Healthier Cells for a Healthier You

The human body needs 116 essential daily nutrients in order to function properly and maintain an optimal weight, energy and health. As we age, our body cells get tired of processing nutrients and get covered with toxins from foods, water and air, causing the metabolism to slow down, making it harder for the body to process and absorb all the essential nutrients from foods, provided that all your meals combined contain the 116 essential daily nutrients. Cellular nutrition helps to clean the body cells of toxins and keep them active in order for the body to be able to absorb and process all the essential nutrients from foods and supplements.

When we think of weight loss, health and nutrition, few of us imagine the body cells. But actually, the body cells are the source of the body’s energy supply and the core of your health; it’s what keeps you not only functioning at optimal health and maintaining a good health and weight, but functioning at all.

The human body is made of about 75 trillion cells, that's 75,000,000,000,000 cells. The number of body cells depends on the body size. The body cells are forming tissues » tissues are forming organs » organs are forming systems and systems are forming the human body.

The issues that we are all facing today is not only the poor quality of foods, but also the fact that we do not absorb enough nutrients and vitamins from foods and supplements. There is so much information about nutrition, health and weight loss that most people are confused and are trying all kind of crazy programs hoping to find what works.

Environmental toxins are a fact of life. Every time you breathe, you are taking in airborne toxins. Much of the processed food you eat contains artificial ingredients, such as colors and preservatives, that do nothing to nourish your body.

As we age, most of our body cells get covered with toxins and cannot absorb all the nutrients that they need to maintain our health, ideal weight and daily energy. In order to become healthier and stay healthy, we need cellular nutrition that acts at the core of our body, the CELLULAR LEVEL.

The nutrition we recommend is based on the most advanced cellular nutrition science, which is acting at the cellular level of your body. The cellular level is the core of your body's health, which makes up your entire body, and allows your body to function. By using cellular nutrition programs, you're cleaning up your body cells of toxins and then feeding your body at the cellular level, which is helping all your body cells to become active again, like when you were a kid, so they will be able to absorb the daily essential nutrients and vitamins from foods and supplements. Therefore, your body will naturally get to its optimal health and weight by itself, which means that it will also keep that weight off and not gain it back, as now your body is functioning properly. During this process, exercise is essential, because your body needs to increase and maintain its muscle in order to burn calories and achieve good health. 

Studies show that it takes a few months, while on cellular nutrition program, for your cells to start functioning properly again, like they were functioning when you were a full of energy child. Once your cells are healthy and active, your body will really become healthy, and you can easily reach your health goals, whether you need to lose weight, or gain healthy weight, get more energy, sleep well or just simply become healthy and feel great every single day.

When the body gets all the nutrients it needs, in the right amount, properly balanced, that is no tell how powerful it can become. Healthy cells will empower your body to be able to do all the work for you, keeping you healthy and at the optimal weight.

Why children have so much energy?

Kids have a lot of energy, sleep well, and feel amazing, because their body cells are newer and did not have time to get tired and covered with toxins. Therefore their body is still absorbing all the necessary nutrients to keep them healthy, at the right weight and energetic all day long.

Several years ago, we could only imagine how great it would be to feel as great, healthy and energetic as we felt when we were kids. Today, that dream can become reality.

As you probably figured out by now, becoming healthy and losing weight it is not only a matter of what we eat and do, but more importantly it is a matter of absorption.

The question we should ask ourselves is: "Is my body absorbing all the nutrients and vitamins I am taking from foods, supplements and vitamins?"

How to Identify a Real Cellular Nutrition Company?

The reality is that no matter how clean we eat, nobody can get all the 116 essential daily vitamins and nutrients from food, that the body needs to function properly, and that’s due to aging. That’s why dietary supplementation is the only known solution to help the body get properly fueled every single day. There are 2 main methods to identify a real cellular nutrition company and ordinary retail companies that claim to sell cellular nutrition or high-quality vitamins and supplements, while praying on people’s lack of knowledge in nutrition and sell low quality vitamins and supplements made by third parties:

1. In order for a real nutrition company to make high-quality science base supplements and vitamins, it has to have medical nutrition scientists in-house, not outsourced and a seed-to-feed manufacturing process in order to be able to control the products quality, bioavailability, and maintain a market price.

A real nutrition company does every single part of the manufacturing process in-house, from growing the plants to ingredients extraction, use good extraction practices: an example is water based extraction – not alcohol based, innovation and research, manufacturing, labeling and distribution. Most “nutrition” companies don’t have the philosophy or funds to do everything in-house, but the real nutrition companies that do, are definitely bragging about it on their website. Yes, check the website!

An in-house manufacturing process eliminates the extra cost of paying 7-10 third-party companies for the manufacturing process and be forced to either sell, for example, a protein bar for $20 per bar or use the cheapest and lowest quality ingredients to be able to sell a “protein” bar for $2.79, while the cheap ingredients vitamins don’t even dissolve. Keep reading, you can test this at home.

If a real nutrition company has a seed-to-feed manufacturing process, then it will definitely brag about it on their website(s). You’ll be able to find on their websites many videos, pictures, articles, clinical trials, a long list of brightest minds medical scientists hired and work on-site, not just “landing” their expertise. 

2. You can make a basic test at home to find out if the vitamins are at least dissolving, let alone if they contain high-quality ingredients or if those ingredients are actually used by the body, or just flushed out.

How to "Home-Test" Vitamins?

Test Multivitamins - Put warm water in a glass with a few drops of vinegar, then drop the vitamin tablet in it. The tablet should dissolve, and the water should become like a tea in order for the body to be able to absorb it.

How to Home-Test Vitamins?

Test Omega-3 Fish Oil Capsule, Bottle or Any Omega-3 - Take the Omega-3 fish oil capsule or bottle and place it the freezer overnight. Take the capsule out the next morning and cut it with a knife. The shell should be frozen, but the oil inside shouldn’t freeze, because oil doesn’t freeze at freezer temp. If it freezes, them it’s junk and could contain mercury, which leads to cancer.

Of course, when you take high-quality vitamins and supplements, you will feel better overall, you’ll have much more energy and won’t crush after lunch or get the flu/cold every season, because your health will be improved, and your immune system will be much stronger. Also, the vitamins levels in your blood test should obviously improve, not remain the same.

This website does not provide medical advice, nor is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Individual weight loss results are not typical and may vary from person to person - as food intake, rates of metabolism and levels of exercise and physical exertion vary from person to person.