What is Cellular Nutrition? Can We Get it from Food?

The Original Cellular Nutrition Since 1980

Cellular nutrition is a proprietary blend of high-quality science backed vitamins and nutrients that act at the cellular level to maximize nutrient absorption and provide all the 116 essential nutrients and vitamins the body needs to function properly, in order to maintain a healthy microbiome and maximize health.

Every cell in your body requires various nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and essential fatty acids to function properly. These nutrients are essential for a variety of cellular processes such as energy production, DNA synthesis, and repair of damaged tissues.

Cellular Nutrition

There's a total of only four true cellular nutrition companies in the world, and only one in the USA. The cellular nutrition company headquartered in Los Angeles, CA, is the only one out of the four, that has a Botanical Identification System, which means that this company is the only packaged foods company in the world who can guarantee that what’s on the label of their products is also in the products.

Other nutrition companies have no idea if the ingredients on the label are in the product. The Los Angeles cellular nutrition company also has the technology to remove all the contaminants and chemicals from the plants, insuring that you're getting the same nutritional value when you consume its products, as when they were made.

The body is formed of trillions of cells, that form the organs, which forms the body. Because of aging, decreasing food quality and stress, the body cells do not function as they used to when we were kids, which leads to a slower metabolism, caused by a natural decrease of the body in processing, absorbing and using nutrients from foods.

How to Identify a Real Cellular Nutrition Company?

It’s easy. Visit the cellular nutrition company website, and if they’re creating high quality cellular nutrition products, they’ll be proud to show that they’re doing the entire process in-house, which is the only way to create a high quality product. On the cellular nutrition company website you’ll be able to find the entire process, including growing the plants, research and science, extraction and innovation, manufacturing and packaging, in order to be able to control product quality.

Try cellular nutrition products yourself and feel the difference. You’ll have more energy, feel amazing and see results within the first 3 days.

Decades ago, when food quality was much higher, less pollution, people were spending a lot more time outdoors, and medication was not used a much as it is today, people were much healthier than today. Aging is a decisive factor for our health, causing the body to process much less nutrients from foods as opposed to when it was younger. Nowadays, cellular nutrition can only be obtained with high quality supplementation that ensures our body is getting all the nutrients it needs to support cellular health, and maintain a long happy life.

To answer your question, NO, we cannot get cellular nutrition from food, anymore. Nowadays, we need help from high quality supplements.

The original and the only cellular nutrition company in USA since 1980, is based in Los Angeles, CA, and was also named the number one nutrition company in the world by Euromonitor International, an independent market research firm.

Cellular nutrition helps to clean the cells of toxins and keep them active longer, in order to be able to absorb all the essential nutrients and vitamins the body needs to function properly. Cellular nutrition supplements are offered only by a few companies worldwide, and only one nutrition company in USA, which follows a seed-to-feed philosophy, meaning the nutrition company is doing everything in-house, from growing the plants, to extraction of the nutrients and vitamins, to manufacturing, research and innovation, labeling and distribution, in order to control quality and cost.

What is Cellular Nutrition?

The body cells form tissues - tissues form organs - organs form the human body, therefore less cells dying and more cells staying alive and healthy is empowering the human body to get to the optimal health, weight and energy by itself. Cellular nutrition helps regenerate antioxidant activity within the cells, supporting normal mitochondrial energy and protecting cells against oxidative damage that accumulates during aging.

Botanical Identification System

Only 4 companies in the world have managed to create science based, clinically proven, high quality nutrients and vitamins to supplement the 21st Century poor in nutrients foods, but only 1 has a Cell Activator® product essential to activate the cells and a complete line of supplements for all body functions.

You can identify a company that creates high-quality bio-available food supplements by looking at their manufacturing process which should be detailed on their website. If the company does the entire process in-house, from growing the plants to medical science research, manufacturing and botanical identification, then it can control quality and cost. If not, chances are that the human body will not use the nutrients and minerals, and the vitamins will not even dissolve. Unfortunately, only one company in the world is using a Botanical Identification System to identify the botanicals in every plant and make sure that whats on the label is in the product. If the company doesn’t do all the process in-house, then it will have to hire 7-9 third party companies and compromise on quality in order to keep the price market competitive.

A cellular nutriton company with a seed-to-feed philosophy will brag about it’s process on its website, showing videos with its production process, the science behind its products, highlighting its scientists and their achievements, post articles, pictures, interviews, clinical trials, and more.

For a cell to remain healthy is required daily antioxidants, like Pycnogenol™+, bio-available high-quality protein and Cellular Nutrition leads to a healthier body, more energy and ideal weight. Cellular Nutrition’s Essential micronutrients to support the Krebs Cycle and enhance cellular energy production:

  • Cayenne to help increase your body's basal metabolic rate.

  • Cordyceps to help increase ATP production and support stamina and endurance.

  • Reishi mushroom to help enhance your body’s ability to cope with stress.

  • Rhodiola to help promote stamina by supporting adrenal function.

  • Pycnogenol, a plant extract rich in antioxidant properties, to help fight the damaging effects of free radicals.

How to "Home-Test" Vitamins?

Test Multivitamins - Put warm water in a glass with a few drops of vinegar, then drop the vitamin tablet in it. The tablet should dissolve, and the water should become like a tea in order for the body to be able to absorb it.

Test Omega-3 Fish Oil Capsule, Bottle or Any Omega-3 - Take the Omega-3 fish oil capsule or bottle and place it the freezer overnight. Take the capsule out the next morning and cut it with a knife. The shell should be frozen, but the oil inside shouldn’t freeze, because oil doesn’t freeze at freezer temp. If it freezes, them it’s junk and could contain mercury, which leads to cancer.

How to Home-Test Vitamins?

Of course, when you take high-quality vitamins and supplements, you will feel better overall, you’ll have much more energy and won’t crush after lunch or get the flu/cold every season, because your health will be improved, and your immune system will be much stronger. Also, the vitamins levels in your blood test should obviously improve, not remain the same.

This website does not provide medical advice, nor is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Individual weight loss results are not typical and may vary from person to person - as food intake, rates of metabolism and levels of exercise and physical exertion vary from person to person.